




Employee Health & Wellness Program

Health and wellness programs are life savers as well as money savers. Most everyone is reporting savings in medical costs of $3.00+ for every dollar spent in prevention. In today’s work environment health and wellness programs are a proactive means of encouraging workers to take the best possible care of themselves while at the same time controlling costs for both you and the employees. Medical costs are rising sharply every year. Employees are working to increasingly older ages by necessity and choice. Provide your most valuable assets with a proactive means of controlling their and your medical insurance costs by implementing an Employee Health and Wellness Program today.

Evidence Based Wellness Program

With the recent changes in the health care reform, there are even more incentivies for organizations to begin or build upon their employee health and wellness program. The health care reform act makes it easier to offer incentives to those employees that participate and comply with HIPAA. The rule to remember is make sure participation in the wellness program is voluntary and is evidence based.

Integrated Health and Wellness Program

At the Close Group we help our clients build integrated health and wellness programs. We look at a companies goals, culture, health and safety practises as well as evaluating health risk assessment (HRA) results.. We help our clients bring together the pieces for a healthy organization and healthy employees.

Culture Alignment and Employee Involvement

One of the first questions we ask is, "Do you feel your work environment is healthy?" Then we ask, "How does your company define a healthy work environment?" By defining the "potential" of a healthy work environment it is easier to identify ways to encourage employee health. A robust, integrated health and wellness program often requires both organizational change and employee buy-in. We believe employee involvement and visible executive commitment are key to success.

Contact us today for more information on how you can benefit from a healthier, happier workforce and both of you save money in the process.

Visit WellMeals4U at

Visit our Health and Wellness Blog: Life Matters

Making a Wellness Program "Stick"

Maslov gives us great insight into what it will take to make a company sponsored wellness program “stick.” Maslov’s Hierarchy of Needs places living a healthy lifestyle as “esteem needs.” The “esteem needs” contain respect for self as well as respect from others. For a wellness program to “stick” and affect personal behavioral change, the program must include elements from all the of the hierarchy of needs.

An effective company sponsored wellness program begins with the physiological and safety needs, reinforces change using belonging needs and moves up into “esteem needs” by utilizing the a person’s “vision” of self actualization. In a nutshell: for a person to permanently change lifelong patterns there has to be a significant reason. A healthy lifestyle must become a means to a greater end. And than “end” is as different as our individual dreams and aspirations.

Benefits of Employee Wellness Programs

An effective Wellness Program takes time, commitment and resources. It is an investment in the organization, one employee at a time. The benefits of a strong health and safety program dovetailed with employee wellness programs speak for themselves, reaping long term reward. Let the Close Group help your organization. Find out how!



Wellness Program Services



Online Meal Planning and Assembly Service

click here

Healthy Eating Awareness and Support

Prevention and Health and Safety Support

Creating a Healthy Culture

Healthy Work Environment Strategies and Management Training



